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Building Committee Meeting Notes – 9/3/2020

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Leominster Police Headquarters
Building Committee

9/3/2020 – Meeting Notes

Project: Leominster Police Station Meeting Date: September 3, 2020
Time: 10:00 AM Meeting Location: Remote (Virtual)
Meeting: Police Station Building Committee #12 Report By: Megan McCallon






Greg Chapdelaine, City of Leominster
Wendy Wiiks, Mayor’s Office
Patrick McCarty, Volunteer
Mark Amico, Police
Dan Proietti, Police
Jim Whitney, Volunteer
Kelley Gammell, Police
Carlos Cintron, Police
James Marois, Police
Michelle Richards, Neighborhood
  Mayor Dean Mazzarella, City of Leominster
Claire Freda, Councilor
Chief Aaron Kennedy, Police
Brett Thompson, Police
Megan McCallon, DPI
Amy Moro, KBA
Kevin Witzell, KBA
Todd Costa, KBA
David McKinley KBA

Henry Frye
Kelly Vallee


12-1 The Meeting was called to order.  
12-2 OPM Update:

  • Megan McCallon gave a brief overview of the process by which the design working group has been working towards minimizing the cost and size of the building scheme. She also stated that due to this due diligence, the project has been pushed past the original schedule for Schematic Design. She reported that the design working group had been meeting weekly, and through a series of decisions had come to a floor plan that is more efficient than what was previously presented.
  • Approval of Meeting Minutes from August 20, 2020
    • A MOTION to approve the meeting minutes as written from August 20, 2020 was made by Claire Freda, SECONDED by Greg Chapdelaine, a roll call vote was taken and all were in favor.


Schematic Design Update:

  • Todd Costa reviewed the updated floor plan, which was approximately 35,300 sf. Since the last meeting, the design working group elected to realize more operational efficiencies by combining some of the departmental and training functions. As a result, approximately 2,000 sf were removed from the last iteration of the floor plan.
  • A discussion was held concerning the differences between scope and cost of the current Leominster Police Station design and the Medford Police Station. Medford is a project similar in size and scale.
  • A discussion was held about the current cost estimate for the project. The committee discussed project funding and approaches. After reviewing the current estimated budget, the team was instructed to work toward a new financial target. Additional value engineering efforts were suggested.
  • A discussion was held about KBA hosting a tour at the New Britton Police Station. KBA to arrange the visit.


Site Updates:

  • Megan McCallon and Kevin Witzell gave a quick update on the status of the compensatory storage requirements of the site. The findings of the team were able to significantly reduce the amount of compensatory storage required for the construction of the building. Megan reported that more information will be made available after further civil calculations and cost estimating has been completed.


New Business:

  • There was no new business
12-6 A MOTION to adjourn was made by Kelly Gammell, SECONDED by Chief Kennedy, all were in favor.  

Next meeting: September 23, 2020 10:00am, Virtual Meeting
Attachments: None

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