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Building Committee Meeting Notes – 8/20/2020

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Leominster Police Headquarters
Building Committee

8/20/2020 – Meeting Notes

Project: Leominster Police Station Meeting Date: August 20, 2020
Time: 8:00 AM Meeting Location: Remote (Virtual)
Meeting: Police Station Building Committee #11 Report By: Megan McCallon







Greg Chapdelaine, City of Leominster
Wendy Wiiks, Mayor’s Office
Patrick McCarty, Volunteer
Mark Amico, Police
Dan Proietti, Police
Jim Whitney, Volunteer
Kelley Gammell, Police
Carlos Cintron, Police
James Marois, Police
Michelle Richards, Neighborhood
  Claire Freda, Councilor
Chief Aaron Kennedy, Police
Brett Thompson, Police
Kelly Vallee Police
Megan McCallon, DPI
Amy Moro, KBA
Kevin Witzell, KBA
Todd Costa, KBA
David McKinley KBA 



Mayor Mazarella
Henry Frye


11-1 The Meeting was called to order.  


OPM Update:

  • Megan McCallon presented the cost associated with putting signage at the site from Addasign.
    A MOTION was made to approve the expenditure of $545 by Claire Freda, SECONDED by Kelley Gammell, a roll call vote was taken and all were in favor.
  • Following the review of the value engineering updates to the program, Megan McCallon suggested that the building committee reconvene in two weeks to go over the updated floor plans, costs, and site updates. The next meeting was determined to be September 3, 2020.
  • Approval of Meeting Minutes from July 23, 2020
    • A MOTION to approve the meeting minutes as written from July 23, 2020 was made by Kelley Gammell, SECONDED by Carlos Cintron, a roll call vote was taken and all were in favor.


Design Update:

  • Todd Costa reviewed the updated program which incorporated the most recent value engineering efforts by the design working group. He also provided information for comparison for the past iterations of the program beginning from 2017. He reported some of the efficiencies that were gained, such as combining the training functions of the floor plan into one space.
  • The following changes were made to the Schematic design program:
    • Removal of the basement level in its entirety including the gun range and the k-9 areas
    • Combining of defensive tactics, training simulator, and all associated functional areas into the training room
    • Elimination of the SRO offices
    • Elimination of the second floor break room
    • Elimination of the community relations/walking detail
    • Reduction of footprint of drug enforcement detective bureau
    • Elimination of briefing breakouts in detective space
    • Reduction of size in the briefing room
    • Removal of two cells
      • Claire Freda made a remark commending the design working group for their efforts and due diligence.
      • David Mckinley gave an update on the site work from Civil. He confirmed that the most updated information had been received by the design team, and that they are working towards more solutions.
11-4 Site Updates:

  • Megan McCallon recommended a meeting be set up with Patrick McCarty and the design team to further discussion historical structures and compensatory storage requirements.
11-5 New Business:

  • A discussion was held about potential external funding sources from the state for the project. Wendy Wiiks reported that there are currently no funds available, and unfortunately the project does not qualify for the MassWorks Grant.
    The following invoices were approved:

    • KBA INV 20002.00-5 $117,500.00
      MOTION to approve by Claire Freda, SECONDED by Chief Kennedy, all were in favor.
    • DPI INV 200716 $10,000.00
      MOTION to approve by Claire Freda, SECONDED by Chief Kennedy, all were in favor.
11-6 A MOTION to adjourn was made by Chief Kennedy, SECONDED by Michelle Richard, all were in favor.  

Next meeting: September 3, 2020 at 10:00am, Virtual Meeting
Attachments: None

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