Mayor Dean Mazzarella, City of Leominster
Claire Freda, Councillor
Patrick McCarty, Volunteer
Lt. Mark Amico, Police
Sgt. Dan Proietti, Police
Jim Whitney, Volunteer
Kelley Gammell, Police
Carlos Cintron, Police
Sgt. James Marois, Police
Michelle Richards, Neighborhood
Henry Frye
Chief Aaron Kennedy, Police
Greg Chapdelaine, City of Leominster
Wendy Wiiks, Mayor’s Office
Kelly Vallee, Police
Megan McCallon, DPI
Lance Green, KBA
Amy Moro, KBA
Kevin Witzell, KBA
Todd Costa, KBA
Seunghwan Lee, KBA
Katrina Hay, KBA
David McKinley, KBA
Brett Thompson, Police
The Meeting was called to order.
OPM Update:
Megan McCallon presented the OPM report and reviewed the overall schedule. She gave an update/lookahead of the next three months of the project. She also gave a high-level review of what occurred in the design working group meetings over the last month.
Megan McCallon presented the side by side budgets as they have evolved through the project and reviewed the P6 schedule. She reported that we have lost a few months in schematic design and reviewed the new timeline of the project.
A brief discussion was held about the cost between the second level build out and third level build out schemes. It was determined that cost difference between the two was minimal, so the team had decided to pursue the third level build-out more in depth after a discussion with Mayor Mazzarella. The floor was opened up for comment from the building committee.
A MOTION to accept the three-level building scheme as presented was made by Mayor Mazzarella, SECONDED by Chief Kennedy. A roll call vote was taken, and all present were in favor.
Design Update:
Kevin Witzell gave an overview of the advantages of the three-level option during the design update. The three-level option provides more opportunity for future expansion, and it also gives operations more room to function efficiently. He also reported that KBA had a kick-off meeting with their engineering teams to begin deeper discussions of the design.
Patrick McCarty requested that we look into the value of 1,200 sf of functional space taken away by the training room. The design team agreed to do further research.
David McKinley spoke briefly to the needs/requirements for the site survey for the design development. He also spoke to the permitting process for the project.
New Business:
Greg Chapdelaine reported that the demolition for the Lancaster street house is scheduled to begin in two weeks. He confirmed that the site survey would be updated to KBA’s requests.
Review and Approval of the 9/24/2020 Meeting Notes
A MOTION to approve the minutes as written was made by Claire Freda, SECONDED by Chief Kennedy. A roll call vote was taken, and all were in favor.
Megan McCallon gave a brief update on the Commissioning RFS. She reported that she and Greg have been working to get the solicitation out by next week.
The following invoices were approved by a MOTION by Patrick McCarty, SECONDED by Kelley Gammell, a roll call vote was taken and all were in favor:
INV 14406 for the amount of $545.00 to Addasign
INV 200816 for the amount of $10,000.00 to Daedalus/CHA
INV 39084-2009 for the amount of $5,000.00 to Daedalus/CHA
A MOTION to adjourn was made by Mayor Mazzarella, SECONDED by Chief Kennedy, all were in favor.
Next meeting: November 19 at 10:00am, Virtual Meeting
Attachments: None